EDI 824

EDI 824 Application Advice

EDI 824 is a crucial component in maintaining efficient and transparent communication in EDI-enabled business processes. In this guide, you'll learn about EDI 824 transaction sets.

What is an EDI 824?

EDI 824, also known as the "Application Advice," is an EDI transaction set used to provide feedback on a previously sent EDI transaction. It provides detailed feedback on whether the document was accepted, rejected, or required corrections. This transaction set helps streamline communication between business partners by providing timely and structured responses to EDI transactions, which can include invoices, purchase orders, or any other EDI document.

What are the Key Elements of EDI 824?

The EDI 824, or Payment Order/Remittance Advice, typically includes the following essential components.

  • Transaction Set Identifier: References the original EDI document.
  • Acceptance/Rejection Status: Indicates whether the document was accepted, rejected, or requires changes.
  • Error Details: If rejected or requiring changes, specific details about the errors.
  • Request for Correction: If changes are required, specifies the necessary modifications.

How is EDI 824 Application Advice used?

EDI 824, the "Application Advice," functions as a structured electronic response to other EDI documents, such as invoices or purchase orders, sent between trading partners. Its primary purpose is to acknowledge the receipt of a document and provide detailed feedback on its processing status. Here's how it works:

When an organization receives an EDI document, such as an invoice or purchase order, the document is processed by their system to check for accuracy, completeness, and adherence to business rules. Based on the outcome of this processing, an EDI 824 document is generated. The EDI 824 includes information such as the original transaction reference, the status of the document (accepted, rejected, or requiring correction), and specific details about any errors or discrepancies identified during processing.

The EDI 824 document is then sent back to the trading partner who sent the original document. This provides the sender with detailed feedback, including any errors (via the TED segment) and guidance on how to correct them, if applicable. Upon receiving the EDI 824, the sender can review the feedback and take necessary actions, such as correcting errors and resubmitting the document or addressing any issues noted. This iterative process helps ensure that documents meet the receiving party's requirements, thereby facilitating smooth and efficient business transactions.

Benefits of EDI 824

The EDI 824, "Application Advice," offers several key benefits to businesses engaged in electronic data interchange. Primarily, it enhances communication efficiency by providing structured feedback on the status of received EDI documents, such as invoices or purchase orders. This feedback, which includes details about errors or issues, helps trading partners promptly address and resolve discrepancies, thereby reducing processing delays and potential disputes. The use of EDI 824 also supports better record-keeping and compliance, as it documents the acknowledgment and processing status of transactions, which is valuable for audits and regulatory requirements.

Additionally, by automating the response process, EDI 824 minimizes manual intervention, lowers the risk of errors, and improves overall transaction accuracy. These benefits collectively contribute to smoother and more transparent business operations, fostering stronger and more reliable trading relationships.

EDI 824 Format

This is a simplified example to illustrate the basic structure of an EDI 824. Actual EDI 824 documents can be much more complex, containing additional segments and data elements based on specific requirements and industry standards.

A Simplified Example of an EDI 824 Document






N1*ST*Supplier Company*9*1234567891234


Explanation of the Segments:

ST: Start of transaction set

BGN: Beginning of message

OBR: Order information

DTM: Date/time reference

ERR: Error description

N1: Name

SE: End of transaction set

Key Information:

Original document: Purchase Order (PO) 12345

Error: Invalid item number on PO line 1

This example indicates that the recipient of the purchase order (PO 12345) has found an error in the document, specifically an invalid item number on line 1. The EDI 824 provides details about the error to allow the sender to correct the issue.

Automate EDI 824 Application Advice from the Inofocn Systems Experts

No need to enter your orders manually anymore- use Infocon Systems’ web-portal to automatically trade purchase orders, invoices, shipping information etc. between you and your trading partners.

With 30+ years of experience in designing custom software solutions for its customers in any industry, Infocon Systems is a leading EDI Service Provider offering cloud-based EDI solutions with the right tools, remote training and continuous 24/7 support to trade documents with your trading partners.

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