EDI 214

EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message

EDI 214 is used to provide real-time visibility into the movement of a shipment. In this guide, you'll learn about EDI 214 transaction sets.

What is an EDI 214?

The EDI 214 is known as the Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message. It is an electronic document sent by a carrier (i.e. trucking company, or 3PL) to a shipper or consignee to provide detailed status updates about the movement of shipments. It is like a real -time tracking system, offering the current status of a shipment, with its location, approximate delivery time and any delays or issues.

What are the Key Elements of EDI 214?

Key information included in an EDI 214:

  • Shipment details: Reference numbers, origin, and destination.
  • Shipment status: Picked up, in transit, delivered, exceptions (delays, damages).
  • Dates and times: Pickup, departure, arrival, and delivery dates and times.
  • Location information: Current location of the shipment.

By providing timely updates, EDI 214 helps shippers and consignees manage expectations, plan accordingly, and resolve potential issues promptly.

How is EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message used?

A shipper will typically require EDI 214 Status messages based on specific events. For example, the shipper may require a status message when the carrier has arrived at the pickup location, when the carrier has departed from the pickup location, when the load arrives at the destination and when the carrier has left the loading dock at the destination.

The EDI 214 Status document may include the location from which the item was shipped, where the shipment is going, the dates and estimated delivery times, the proof of delivery such as who signed, the shipment status details, and a description of the shipment.

Many shippers will require information from the 214 Status document on the 210 Invoice that is sent later. For example, the 210 Invoice will have matching Bill of Lading, PO number, SCAC code, ship from and ship to information. The EDI 214 is acknowledged by an EDI 997 Functional Acknowledgement document which proves that the EDI 214 was received by the shipper.

Benefits of EDI 214

EDI 214 Transport Carrier Shipment Status provides several major benefits for managing messages. By offering real -time or periodic updates on the shipment position, it improves visibility and tracking, so that the sender and recipient can be informed of the location and progress of their goods. This improves coordination and plan, as efforts can meet the schedule and manage resources based on the latest information.

EDI 214 also helps to deal with exceptions by deferring or informing parties about issues, which can reduce rapid resolution and disorderly disorder. In addition, it reduces the requirement for manual updates and papers, causing more efficient and accurate communication in the supply chain.

EDI 214 Format

This is the original, structured format of the EDI 214 document, designed for computers to exchange data efficiently. It uses specific symbols like asterisks (*) and tildes (~) to organize segments and elements.

Some of the common segments include:

ISA (Interchange Control Header): Initiates the document with sender and receiver information.

GS (Functional Group Header): Groups related transaction sets.

ST (Transaction Set Header): Begins the transaction set.

B10 (Beginning Segment for Shipment Status): Provides shipment ID and status information.

L11 (Status Information): Describes the current status of the shipment.

G62 (Date/Time Reference): Provides relevant dates and times for the status update.

N1 (Location Information): Details about the location of the shipment.

AT8 (Shipment Information): Details about the shipment type and handling instructions.

AT5 (Equipment Details): Describes equipment used for the shipment.

SE (Transaction Set Trailer): Ends the transaction set.

GE (Functional Group Trailer): Ends the functional group.

IEA (Interchange Control Trailer): Concludes the EDI document.

Example of an EDI 214 Document

Here’s a simplified example of what an EDI 214 document might look like:

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*RECEIVERID *210716*1234*U*00401*000000123*0*P*>




L11*123*01*Shipment delivered


N1*LC*Location Name*1*1234567890

N3*Location Address

N4*Location City*CA*90210*USA






EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message from the Inofocn Systems Experts

No need to enter your orders manually anymore- use Infocon Systems’ web-portal to automatically trade purchase orders, invoices, shipping information etc. between you and your trading partners.

With 30+ years of experience in designing custom software solutions for its customers in any industry, Infocon Systems is a leading EDI Service Provider offering cloud-based EDI solutions with the right tools, remote training and continuous 24/7 support to trade documents with your trading partners.

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